Immediately following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 25, this man has continuously informed the world about the situation in Ukraine, using 3D processing technology and satellite images.
The CMOS image sensor (CIS), known as the "electronic eye," is a rare device among a variety of semiconductors because its market size continues to expand.
Toshiba Corporation’s next-generation film-based perovskite solar cell won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award’s the carbon-neutral category at Japan’s IT and electronics tradeshow CEATEC 2021, held on October 19-22.
"The [Japanese] government will soon launch a new initiative, the updated version of ‘Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago’ to promote digital transformation,” spoke Akira Minamikawa, a senior consulting director and semiconductor analyst at British research firm OMDIA.
Though mobility as a service (MaaS) using automated driving is currently spreading globally, many attempts at its integration remain as test programs set to test the cost and efficiency of such systems.
Drainage pumps at pump stations are for preventing rivers from flooding. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is drastically changing the way it orders the pumps.
There are global companies in the water business so called water majors. For a long time from the 19th to the 21st century, Veolia Environment , Suez both of France, and Thames Water of the U.K. were the three companies called water majors.
As the Xi Jinping administration intensifies its confrontational stance towards the U.S., it is speeding up domestic production of semiconductors which are “the rice of industry,” in fear of decoupling from the international supply chain.
On December 14, 2021 at Mega Web, Toyota Motor’s showroom in Tokyo’s waterfront district, CEO Akio Toyoda announced the “New EV Strategy” before the full lineup of new electric vehicles (EV).
“I want the people in Japan to watch the high-level games. With many interesting players in the world, I hope there will be more wheelchair tennis fans,” said Kunieda, when asked about his goal at the Tokyo Paralympics, due to start in several days.