July 21, 2022 Established Hatcho Miso Brewers Uphold Aesthetics Despite Exclusion from Trademark Right There are two miso brewers in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, which have the oldest history in Japan. By Keita Kato
February 15, 2023 The Rise of India: Most Populous Country Set for Impressive Growth The year 2023 may mark the beginning of a major shift in the global economic framework. By Kentaro Hamada and Shinichiro Murata
March 17, 2022 For Taliban, Power Is Everything: What Are the Two Bargaining Chips? 20 years have passed since the September 11 attacks. By Toru Takagi
January 17, 2023 De Facto Embassy in Lithuania Could Trigger Movement to Recognize Name “Taiwan” On July 20, 2021, Taiwan's foreign minister announced a plan to open the “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania,” a de facto embassy in one of the three Baltic countries with which Taiwan has no diplomatic relations. By Akio Yaita